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Aarhus University

Geoscience Newsletter

No. 3/2014 - 7 February 2014

Read in Danish

Some information in the Danish version of this newsletter refers to pages on AU or Geoscience staff websites which are unfortunately not yet available in English

Geoscience Cost Savings

Following the joint meeting on Wednesday 5 February, Søren Bom Nielsen will send the information about savings plans by email to all employees in week 8 when he is back from vacation.

Upcoming Events

See also calendar on Geoscience staff pages    

6 February, kl. 13-15
Master Thesis defence
Joanna Przychodzen
The Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Eastern North Sea Basin

28 February - 1 March
Geoscience Student Symposium Aarhus 2014
Geoscience employees are welcome to attend Saturday's lectures and join the lunch. Detailed programme will be announced later.

Research / Research funding

EU Applications
Increased raising of EU funding is of highest priority, and the dean strongly encourages to apply. In this connection, be aware that

  • all EU applications from AU MUST go through the AU Research Support Office

Contact the office as early as possible. Contact person: Anya Bjørn Vinstrup, abv@adm.au.dk.


Nordplus call for proposals 2014
Nordplus shall contribute to the strengthening and development of Nordic cooperation in education as well as contribute to a Nordic-Baltic education area.
Funds are now available from the Nordplus Higher Education programme (33.7 mio Dkr.).
Application deadline is 3 March 2014.
More information here.



CVR / VAT Number
When purchasing abroad, please use AU's  CVR/VAT No. 3119103.


IT support

NEW: If you have a problem requiring assistance from IT support, contact them by e-mail helpdesk@nfit.au.dk or phone 8715 4010, and they will evaluate whether onsite support is necessary.

Geoscience has a laptop which can be booked from your Outlook calendar. You find it as "Laptop Geo 1672-136". To be picked up from the secretariat.


New Classroom
The new class room (1673-118) is now in use. All teaching scheduled to take place in room 1672-141 has moved to the new class room.

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