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Aarhus University

Geoscience Newsletter

No. 9/2014 - 28. maj 2014

Read in Danish

Some information in the Danish version of this newsletter refers to pages on AU or Geoscience staff websites which are unfortunately not yet available in English

In preparation for this summer's expeditions and future teaching to be held on AURORA, some of our colleagues (Marit-Solveig, Ole Rønø, Egon, Katrine and Per T.) participated in a safety course from the ship. (Photo: Tomas Cedhagen, Department of Bioscience)

Upcoming Events

Department of Bioscience

20 June, 14:30
You are invited by Bioscience to join

  • two inaugural professor lectures - Christian Sonne and Brian Kronvang - and the following reception

More information here.

Research support

The Research Support Office holds two courses in June:


Revisions concerning non-employed PHD students
Note: Important revisions have been made to the regulations for travel insurance and industrial injury coverage at Geoscience as concerns non-employed PHD students.
Read more on the staff website:  Quick Guide > Insurance. 


PHD course: Originality in Science and Research - Personal and Philosophical Perspectives on Inquiry and Collaboration (5 ECTS).
Dates: 1 - 5  September 2014,  University of Copenhagen, Department of Science Education.
More information here.


Restoration of report definitions and more
If you have had problems with your user profile in PURE, they probably date back to a system error occuring before Easter.
A solution to restore your profile is ready now – more information here.

The Working Environment Authority

After inspections on  25 February and 3 March 2014 by the Working Environment Authoriry  we were ordered to solve the following problems:
1) To ensure proper use of lathes in the metal workshop
2) To ensure proper use of the orange rock saw
3) To prevent the risk of accidents when transporting pressure cylinders from the depot into the building
The first two problems have been resolved. The third problem should be resolved before 1 January 2015 and probably will be in connection with the upcoming reconstruction of the house. A temporary solution: Use an alternative route from the gas depot to avoid the steep part of the parking lot. Also, two personsit are recommended for handling of  a cylinder. For more information, contact Charlotte Rasmussen.

Newsletters on the web.
This and all previous newsletters are available also on the Geoscience staff webpages http://geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/ - There is a direct link from the entry page.

The newsletter is published by Department of Geoscience and is not possible to be unsubscribed from