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Aarhus University

Geoscience Newsletter

No. 9/2016 - 9 September 2016

Read in Danish

Some information in the Danish version of this newsletter refers to pages on AU or Geoscience staff website which are unfortunately not yet available in English

Other GEO-news here:
Centre of Earth System Petrology: volcano.au.dk | HGG:  hgg.au.dk

In August Thomas Ulrich went to the traditional Slemmestad field course in Norway with a group of students.
The photo shows the group during a lunch break at Kolsåsen

Upcoming Events

See also the calendar on the Geoscience staff webpages

9 September, 16.30
AGIR - grand opening

20 September, 14.00
Darcy Lecture: Ty Ferré, University of Arizona

30 September
Late Summer Party at Geoscience


Two employees are among co-authors to papers published in Nature:

  • Nikolaj Krog Larsen:
    Postglacial viability and colonization in North America’s ice-free corridor
  • Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz:
    Early onset of industrial-era warming across the oceans and continents.

More information, see "Latest News" on geo.au.dk/entry page..

publication support grant from the Aarhus University Research Foundation

Applications for publication support grants from the Aarhus University Research Foundation are now being accepted. Deadline is 16 September 2016.
More information: http://scitech.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/currently/news/show/artikel/soeg-publikationsstoette-ved-aarhus-universitets-forskningsfond/

Underground Channel

Do you know the "Underground Channel" - the world's first online video channel with focus on the geosciences. It was launched in spring 2015 by Geocenter Denmark, in which also Geoscience AU is a partner.
The various videos provide answers to many questions about the planet's challenges. See: http://wwwe.undergroundchannel.dk/videos


Presentation of new employees and guests

Alexis Nutz -
Postdoc 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2018
I am from northeast of France and I received my doctorate from the University of Strasbourg (France) in 2013. Then, I completed a 2-years postdoc position in the same university. Now, I am very happy to start a second 2-years postdoc in Aarhus. My background relies to sedimentary petrology, sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy (field- and seismic-based), geomorphology and relationships between tectonic and sedimentation.  I first dealt with glacial sedimentology comparing deposits from Paleozoic (Hirnantian from Morocco) and Quaternary (Wisconsinian from Québec) deglaciations. I then worked on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of continental rift basins (Turkana Depression in Kenya and Ethiopia) focusing on the sedimentary paleodynamics of large lacustrine systems and their responses to climate and tectonic forcings. Now, I am here to work on a Quaternary Moroccan paleolake. Aim is to unravel the climate evolution in this part of Africa during the Late Quaternary. Please feel free to contact me, I look forward to have fruitful discussions with many of you.

Amir Safi -
visiting PhD student, 01.09.2016-28.02.2017
I am from Tehran, Iran and currently a PhD student at American University of Beirut in Lebanon, expecting to receive my doctorate degree by May 2017. I had this opportunity to be a visiting student within Dr. Steen Christensen's research group at the Department of Geoscience to work on my PhD research. My dissertation work is on inverse modeling of saltwater intrusion in highly heterogeneous karstic coastal aquifers. This work examines the relative impacts of anthropogenic interventions, global climate change, geologic heterogeneity and their synergy on the occurrence and intensification of saltwater intrusion along urban coastal aquifers. For this purpose, a 3D variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport model was used as a predictive tool to assess these impacts in a karstified pilot aquifer located along the Eastern Mediterranean (Beirut aquifer). In parallel, the model comprises the use of inverse modeling techniques for spatially parameterizing aquifer heterogeneity to assess the impact of parameter uncertainty (in model regression) outcome of field-data deficits on predictive uncertainty. A link between modeling efforts and data capture to reduce the uncertainty associated with model prediction of saltwater intrusion will be also provided to guide adaptations of sampling strategies for future field-studies of the examined aquifer.


External Examiners Portal ST

See the new external examiner portal: http://scitech.medarbejdere.au.dk/for-undervisere/censorportalen-st/
with useful information for external examiners involved in examinations at ST.
Tina Veirup from the study administration will "promote" the portal, when meeting teachers and examiners.
You find a direct link to the portal on Geoscience staff website, under shortcuts/teaching.

Science for Society

For PhD students and postdocs:
Science for Society enables PhD-students and postdocs in Scandinavia to commercialize research results..
Participation in workshops and courses is free.
See programme on: www.au.dk/sfs

Work environment

Recognize your colleagues 
Among the topics of the latest Psychological APV was acknowledgement of  colleagues, reasons being e.g.
- for making the department a better workplace,
- for publishing an extraordinary good scientific paper
- for making an extra effort in teaching,
- doing something extra for the students.

Some systematization would be good - e.g. so that we always have candicates for ST's awards and honorary doctorates - and we can do it in time.
Thomas Nielsen volunteers to be coordinator of this project.
-  If you know of a suitable award/recognition, please send your information to Thomas (thomas.nielsen@geo.au.dk).
- If you think a colleague deserves recognition, also contact Thomas. He will then see in his database whether there is a suitable award.

Evacuation Exercise

There will be an evacuation exercise at Geoscience (buildings 1670-1675) on 26 October 2016 (afternoon).
According to the AU evacuation plan, each person at AU should be able to assume the responsibility either as evacuation manager or meeting place manager. Prepare yourself for the exercise by reading the booklet: “Evacuation on Aarhus University” which you find on: http://medarbejdere.au.dk/fileadmin/www.arbejdsmiljo.au.dk/evakuering/publikationer/125961_AU_evakueringsfolder_UK_270510.pdf


One post shelf for emiriti

Experience shows that mail volumes to our emiriti is very modest, In future all emeriti post will be collected on one shelf in the post rack. We need more shelves for other purposes.


To Project Managers,

For AU to meet an audit requirement of continuously ensuring documentation of significant budget changes, we need to secure a project manager’s written approval of his/her project budgets.

For us to comply with this requirement, with least possible inconvenience to you and also in the most efficient manner for ST Finance, it is decided by ST Finance to ask you, as project managers, for a written approval of your budgets twice a year in connection with ØR1 and ØR3 (the annual finance reports, previously called the forecast), when you anyway have a meeting with your project finance administrator regarding your budgets.

This means, that the project finance administrator will incorporate any agreed changes in the budget in connection with ØR 1 and ØR 3 and email you a new project status report. Please reply the email with an “ok”, if you can approve the project status report. This should therefore be considered as merely a written follow-up on the project meeting with your project finance administrator, which nevertheless takes place in connection with ØR1 and ØR3.”

Partners office 1672-232

ST and AU partners/Office hours:
- Monday 8-16: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- Monday  9-12: Dan Guldborg, ST IT, aarhus.st.it@au.dk
- Tuesday 10-12: ST studies, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk 
- Wednesday 9-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- Wednesday 9-11.30: ST finance, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk

Bo Holm Jacobsen office hours for students
- Tuesday 10-12
- Thursday 16.15-18
Above information is available also on geo.medarbejdere.au.dk, entry page.

Newsletters on the web.
This and all previous newsletters are available also on the Geoscience staff webpages http://geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/ - There is a direct link from the entry page.

The newsletter is published by Department of Geoscience and is not possible to be unsubscribed from