Friday, August 23rd
ST Summer Hangout
Friday, September 20th
Matchmaking Event 2019
Friday, November 1st
GEO Match 2019
Front door open between 8.00 & 17.00
The Agency for Competence Development
From September 2019, all employees at Aarhus University can apply for funding from The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector for individual competency development.
Applications are opened for the collective agreement funds to be used for courses, continuing education, etc. over the next two years for state employees. The support must be a supplement to other competency development in the workplace.
In contrast to earlier, you must apply for funding directly from The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector and not via AU. The Foundation is administered by the competency secretariat in collaboration with the State collective agreement parties.Criteria, thresholds and supported activities vary depending on which collective agreement you are employed under.
Application procedure
You can apply for funding from September 4th 2019 and the next two years via a digital application form. There are no fixed application deadlines, so you can search for the foundation on an ongoing basis.
Applications must be approved by your budget manager. When an employee has applied for funding, the manager is automatically requested to approve the application. The application will not be processed until then. Once the competence development activity has been completed, as a manager, you must once again approve and confirm that the course has been completed and specify expenses in connection to the activity.
Disbursement of funding
The foundation's disbursement of the funding will always take place after the competence development activity has been held. The department pays for expenses until then.
Further information
If you have any questions about the The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector, you can find the answers to the agency secretariat's website or contact AU HR, Henrik Philipp Vestergaard at hpv@au.dk or tel. 26 28 23 61.
A new semester is starting, and bookings for the department cars have already been made.
As always, booking is done by contacting the secretariat. Make sure you book well in advance, as other departments are also able to use the cars.
REMEMBER to hand in receipts for fuel to the secretariat and to fill in the "Kørebog" that is found in the glove compartment of the car.
Updated rules for use of department cars can be found on the staff web page.
Student/ Research Group Matchmaking Event 2019
This years Matchmaking Event will take place on 20th September.
Last year, it was a great success at Geoscience with most students from 3rd and 4th year taking part to hear about ideas for bachelor and master projects.
Link to the registration form: https://events.au.dk/Matchmaking2019/sign-up
Registration deadline: September 1st.
It is no longer possible to print posters at the Department of Gepscinece.
We refer you to AU PRINT:
Fællestrykkeriet, AU TRYK
Aarhus Universitet
Ole Worms Allé 4, Bygning 1163
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf.: 871 68287
Print tasks should be sent as pdf-files to trykkeri@au.dk with a requisition.
How to fill in the requisition form.
Remember to fill in name, project & activity together with EAN-number: 5798000420014 and location code: 2402 for Geoscience.
Anyone who conducts courses or take students for excursions is encouraged to take photos that can be used to recruit new students on our various platforms.
Due to the GDPR legislation, we are now forced to ask for permission from all employees and students to use photos of them on our website, Facebook, newsletters etc.
To make sure we comply with the legislation, a declaration of consent must be filled in by all participants, who appear on photos.
Declarations to fill in can be picked up in the secretariat.
Léa Lévy started on August 12th as post doc at HGG.
Léa completed her master degree (“Master of Sciences and Engienering”) in 2014 at Mines ParisTech (School of Mines of Paris, France). She did her master project in collaboration with the French mining company “Areva Mines” on modelling the environmental impact of uranium mining by in-situ leaching (hydrogeochemistry).
She has been living between France and Iceland since 2015 (mostly in Iceland).
She had a temporary position at ÍSOR (Iceland GeoSurvey) and then started her PhD in Geophysics, which she defended in February 2019. It was a joint degree between Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) and University of Iceland (Reykjavik, Iceland), in collaboration with ÍSOR. The purpose was to constrain the interpretation of electromagnetic soundings for geothermal exploration.
In Aarhus Léa will be working with DCIP (resistivity and induced polarization) measurements and interpretations, on two types of projects: (i) projects in Denmark related to decontamination of polluted aquifers and (ii) a project in Iceland, that she is coordinating between several partners – including HGG and ÍSOR. The aim of the Icelandic project is to monitor the sequestration of H2S (gas) back to geothermal reservoirs (under the form of pyrite) with different types of geo-electrical and electromagnetic soundings.
New magazines from the library
Office hours / ST and AU partners
Partners with office hours, room 1671-134:
Dan Guldborg, IT support | aarhus.st.it@au.dk
Monday 9-12
Mette Møller Larsen, controller, ST finance | mmla@au.dk
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, ST finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk
Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14
Louise Godt (maternity leave), Research Support Office | logo@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Pernille Grøne (maternity cover), Research Support Office | pg@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Other partners:
Bo Holm Jacobsen's office hours for students:
Tuesday 10-12 and Thursday 16.15-17
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/