Tuesday, September 17
Visit from Universitetsledelsen
Friday, September 20
Match-making Event
Friday, September 27
Late Summer Party
Friday, November 1
GEO Match 2019
Friday, November 29
Christmas Party
Emply Hire - new system for employment
All job advertisements must go through the IT system Emply Hire, this also applies to fixed-term employment.
All job advertisements and information about appointments without advertisement must be sent to the secretariat at sekretariat@geo.au.dk.
REMEMBER to give notice well in advance. The appointment process is particularly long in the case of scientific staff.
The university requires that a yearly evacuation drill is conducted.
Soon we will test our evacuation procedure here at Geoscience. When the alarm starts to ring EVERYBODY is required to leave the work place and walk to the meeting point in the parking lot.
It is important that there are two persons per floor who take the responsibility to be evacuation leader and meeting point leader, respectively. They need to wear the yellow or orange vest and follow the instructions given on the sheets in the evacuation boxes that can be found on each floor.
The evacuation leader puts on the yellow vest and follows the instructions on the yellow instruction sheet:
The evacuation leader’s task is to clear the area of people.
In connection with the evacuation of the area, the surrounding areas must be warned that evacuation is taking place.
Once your area is clear, proceed to the meeting point and report to the meeting point leader.
As soon as possible, the local management as well as the work environment leader at Geoscience must be informed about the incident.
The meeting point leader puts on the orange vest and follows the instructions on the orange instruction sheet:
The meeting point leader’s task is to meet the evacuees at the specified meeting point outside the building.
Coordinate with other meeting point leaders and receive reports from arriving evacuation leaders.
Contact the arriving police or fire department and deliver the evacuation status.
Ensure that all evacuees get as much information as possible.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this exercise.
Responsible conduct of research
Procurement organisation for Geoscience
AU has started using E-commerce. In order to get access to and use the E-commerce module, you must complete a course.
The following Geoscience employees have completed the e-commerce course:
From the secretariat:
Susanne Weis Fogh
From the laboratory:
Birte Linddahl Eriksen
Marianne Lyngholm Nielsen
Rikke Brok Jensen
Trine Ravn-Jonsen
All of the above will be able to help make purchases through the e-commerce module.
Susanne Weis Fogh has also been appointed Procurement Coordinator for the department. If you need help with a tender for equipment or you have doubts about how to make a purchase, you can ask Susanne.
Course certificates must be filed
Course certificates, which are required by law for you to be able to carry out your job at AU, must be filed in WorkZone. This applies to the following certificates:
Occupational health- and safety certificate
Blood Collection Certificate
Boat certifikat
Drone certificate
Animal Experiments Inspectorate course
First Aid Certificate
Hygiene Certificate
Management of chemical waste
MRSA course Proof
Packaging Certificate
Spray Certificate
If you have a statutory course certificate which is not listed, please contact workzonesupport.st@au.dk.
The reason behind the publication of course certificates is that the department has a comprehensive document overview of certificates for a specific employee.
Course certificates for record-keeping must be sent to the secretariat at sekretariat@geo.au.dk.
Read more about the joint journalizing practice at ST (in Danish).
The University International Club (UIC) has sent out a new catalogue with events in the autumn of 2019.
Their focus is on the relationship between the Danish and the international staff, which means the activities are not just geared towards international colleagues.
The catalogue can be found in the staff lunch room.
You can read more about the UIC and sign up for their newsletter on UIC's website.
New equipment in the laboratory
Share st_geo will close down
Clean up in the goods delivery area
Quite a lot of things are being left behind in the goods delivery area in building 1674.
This is a problem in relation to the delivery of goods, and it is also an annoyance for the employees and students who work in building 1674 and 1675.
Not least, this may be a problem in the event of a fire, as access to the exit in building 1675 is blocked.
The area may only be used for temporary storage of delivered items, or equipment which is to be removed from the building the same day.
HF Emergency Response cabinet
HF Emergency Response cabinet is found on the 2nd floor in building 1674.
There is a mirror and a stool, which makes it easier and faster to put on coveralls, mask and air container if you need to help a person from a laboratory in case of a HF accident.
Always ensure that the equipment is correctly fitted and is airtight, before a rescue action starts!
The stool hangs on the wall to keep it from disappearing. Don't borrow it.
If you have any questions about Emergency Response, please contact Charlotte.
Mobility grants for ph.d.-studerende
August 29th, the profile overview changed in PURE. The new design offers a better overview, and is an improvement on how to work with your content in Pure.
Write to pure@au.dk if you have any questions about the new profile overview and Pure in general.
User's Guide to PURE
Two-factor authentication
It is possible to change your two-factor authentication. With the change you do not have to enter a code, instead you will be asked to approve the login via the app.
Link to set-up
Set the preferred method of verification to "Notify me through App"
Carlsberg Foundation covers maternity costs
Office hours / st and au partners
Partners with office hours in room 1671-134:
Dan Guldborg, IT support | aarhus.st.it@au.dk
Monday 9-12
Mette Møller Larsen, controller, ST Finance | mmla@au.dk
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, ST Finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk
Wednesday 8-15 og Friday 8-14
Louise Godt (maternity leave), Research Support Office | logo@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Pernille Grøne (maternity cover), Research Support Office | pg@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Other partners:
Maiken Dazelle Nielsen, Studies, Courses & Exams | maiken@au.dk
Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library | mhga@kb.dk
HR-related questions should be adressed to HR ST Team 1 | HR.ST.team1@au.dk
Questions regarding adsence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be adressed to HR ST Specialistteam | HR.ST.team.specialist@au.dk
Charlotte Kahlen Steffensen, PhD-partner GSST | charlotte.steffensen@au.dk
Bo Holm Jacobsens's office hours for students:
Tuesday 10-12 & Thursday 16.15-17
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/