Friday, May 17th
Great Day of Prayer
Monday, May 27th to Wednesday, May 29th
Department evaluation
Thursday, May 30th
Ascension Day
Wednesday, June 5th
Constitution Day
Friday, June 21st
Geoscience Summer Party
Monday, June 24th
2nd Pentecost
Friday, June 28th
Friday, August 23rd
ST Summer Hangout
It is now possible to book time for a massage via the web page of the company "Sundhed Med Mening".
Treatment will take place in meeting room 1671-123.
More information shared with all employees via e-mail.
From May 1st Kathrine Kofoed is the new HR partner for Geoscience.
All HR related questions should be sent to HR.ST.team1@au.dk.
Contact information for Kathrine: Mobile: 93 50 82 04 | e-mail: kofoed@au.dk
All questions in regards to absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to HR.ST.team.specialist@au.dk.
Starting 23 May, Geoscience’s fundraising partner at the Research Support Office will have weekly office hours 9-12 every Thursday in room 1671-134.
You can book a meeting if you want to discuss the fundraising strategy for a project, if you want specific input on a project description, help with a budget or the formal requirements for an application.
The RSO will be represented by Louise Godt, who is the fundraising partner for Geoscience, and later by Pernille Grøne, who will cover for Louise while she is on maternity leave. Feel free to book an appointment by email, or drop by the office for an informal chat.
Contact information for Louise: Mobile 93 50 89 30 | e-mail: logo@au.dk
Contact information for Pernille will follow.
New magazines from the library
Petrophysics (2019) Vol. 60, nr. 1
Newsletters on Stratigraphy (2019) Vol. 52, nr. 2
Skoven (2019) Årg. 51, nr. 3
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (2018) Bd. 169, H. 4
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2018) Vol. 48, nr. 2
Vand & Jord (2019) Årg. 26, nr. 1
Economic Geology (2019) Vol. 114, nr. 1
Geographical Reports of the Tokyo Metropolitan University (2018) nr. 53
Geo.Alp (2018) vol. 15
Magazines are located in the staff lunch room
New books in the Geoscience collection
Jansen, J. et al. 2019, 4th edition. Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Chemical Processes. Polyteknisk Forlag.
Rollinson, H. 1993. Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation. Pearson.
Boudreau, A. 2019. Hydromagmatic Processes and Platinum-Group Elements Deposits in Layered Intrusions. Cambridge University Press.
In October 2019 Theatre "Svalegangen" sets up a play about the Danish scientist Inge Lehmann.
"Jordens indre - videnskabsdrama om en kvindelig pioner"
(Interior of the Earth - science drama about a female pioneer)
Main actors: Iben Hjejle, Jesper Lohmann, Søren Malling.
Read about the play and purchase tickets at Svalegangen's web page (in Danish).
Inge Lehmann proved in 1936 that Earth has a solid inner core. Her research was groundbreaking, but through her career she had to fight for recognition from her male "competitors".
In the new neighborhood at Aarhus Ø, the streets are named for prominent Danish women, and Inge Lehmann is among them.
Office hours / ST and AU partners
Partners with office hours, room 1671-134:
Dan Guldborg, IT support | aarhus.st.it@au.dk
Monday 9-12
Mette Møller Larsen, controller, ST finance | mmla@au.dk
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, ST finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk
Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14
Louise Godt, Research Support Office | logo@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Other partners:
Bo Holm Jacobsen's office hours for students:
Tuesday 10-12 and Thursday 16.15-17
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/