The Aarhus University climate strategy 2020-2025 focusses on 4 areas:
Campus (e.g. building operation and optimization of technical systems: Cooling, water, heat, ventilation, IT)
Transport (e.g. joint car park at NAT/TECH)
Procurement (e.g. new procurement contracts of greener computers and monitors)
Waste (e.g. improved waste sorting which awaits a 2022 tender process)
Many initiatives requires us to change behavior, e.g. related to travel activities or procurement of consumables: We need to actively choose a greener solution.
The climate strategy 2020-2025 (PDF) and the actionplan 2022 (PDF) can be read online, AU has a dedicated website that deals with this subject in more detail.
The goal for 2025 is to reduce the university's CO2 emissions by 35% compared to 2018, and the goal for 2030 is to reduce the university's CO2 emissions by 57% compared to 2018. With this ambitious goal, the university lives up to the Paris Agreement and the government's goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 70% in 2030 compared to 1990.
An important element in the climate strategy is that Aarhus University wants to involve employees and students in the climate work. An AU CliMATE training course is being prepared within the framework of the AU Green network, which will provide staff and students with more knowledge about the climate and how you as an individual can contribute to the green transition.