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Aarhus Universitet

Geoscience work environment newsletter

No. 1/2024 - June 2024

in Danish

Information about Work environment

Information, new knowledge or good advice about the working environment, safety and health is sent to all staff and students. The newsletter is published 2-4 times a year, often in connection with meetings held ind the local working environment committee (LAMU). Information from LAMU as well as the departments rules and guidelines can always be found on the website under work environment.

For staff all agendas and minutes from LAMU meetings can be found on the O-drive* together with other legal material (e.g. workplace assessment action plans): O:\Nat-Tech_Geo-Faelles\Udvalg GEO\LAMU

*) AU-network is required, use the VPN client from the outside.

Brief news from LAMU

  • In June, the department held a workshop on the topic of Generation Z. More than 20 employees participated, both lecturers/researchers and technical-administrative staff from laboratories and the secretariat. There was a lot of good information and discussions, the most important are pointed out in the section below.
  • We are in the process of acquiring an extra defibrillator that can be brought along in situations where it may be a long way from normal medical care. The defibrillator can be reserved from Charlotte.
  • In LAMU and other forums, we discuss measures that can improve the PhDs' working environment, especially emphasizing on reducing the factors that cause stress. If you have points of attention or suggestions for improvements, please let us know.
  • Good footwear minimizes the risk of injury: We recommend hiking boots when you are on an excursion or working in the field. Hiking boots are designed to provide good support for the ankles and usually provide a significantly better foothold than, for example, hiking shoes.
  • If you need to update your general first aid certificate in 2024, let Charlotte know by 10 July at the latest.

Generation Z - a few points from the workshop

Who is Generation Z? The generation born after 1994, i.e. many of our students.

Why have we at Geoscience prioritized this workshop? There are many reasons, one of which is that we are interested in ensuring effective communication and in creating a good study environment for all our students.

What characterizes this generation?

  • Generation Z is very aware of various matters and is good at articulating needs.
  • Much of life is lived online, therefore Generation Z prefers online solutions and here-and-now communication.
  • The motivation is often to have many options and keep doors open. They are very ambitious but in a flexible way: There are not always fixed end goals and therefore sub-goals - or the individual steps of a process - become very important, perhaps more than the end result itself.

What may be challenging when we communicate and work together?

  • There may be expectations for us and the university that are difficult or impossible to meet, for example it may be difficult for generation Z to receive feedback. When we think, for example, that we are articulating an evaluation in a constructive way, it can be perceived negatively. This does not mean that we must be dishonest or unrealistic when the evaluation is given, but it is important to pay attention to HOW we communicate and WHAT.
  • E-mails are seen as old-fashioned and are not a preferred form of communication, whereas instant messaging and Brightspace work well because they are here-and-now communication. It must therefore be clearly communicated when students are expected to read e-mails regularly.
  • Generation Z exists very much in the present and long-term planning can seem pointless and therefore becomes difficult to accommodate. This also applies to supervisor meetings that are set at a later date, for example in a few weeks. Their wish is to receive feedback on an ongoing basis. Personal relationships are valued very highly: the teacher's presence must be in real time and with personal contact in order to be perceived as welcoming and engaging.

New work environment representative

Søren Munch Kristiansen will replace Ole Rønø Clausen as work environment representative in the work environment group "VIP and office" starting on 1 July 2024. From the autumn, Søren will also be part of LAMU.

Thanks to Ole for good work and welcome to Søren.

Søren's office is in 1671-223 and he can be contacted on phone 23 38 24 24 or e-mail smk@geo.au.dk.

The danish work environment authority

Aarhus University has provided us with information (unfortunately only in Danish, please use Google translate if necessary): The page contains important information that all employees should know in preparation for a visit from the Work Environment Authority, Arbejdstilsynet. Often they want to meet with a representative from the management (usually Charlotte) and a working environment representative.

However, Arbejdstilsynet is allowed to approach anyone when they enter the building and may request to speak to a random person - it could be you!

You are welcome to contact Charlotte if you have any questions.

Read more:

Use your flexible desk and take breaks

In Europe, the Danes are in 2nd place when it comes to sitting down the most - this is shown in a survey carried out for The Guardian. Unfortunately, it is not a second place that we can be proud of: It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Flexible desks provide plenty of opportunity to vary the working position. It has a noticeable effect if you get up for just 10 minutes a few times during the working day.


👉 Raise the table before you go to lunch or go home - then you start standing.

👉 Stand up when you are not needed at the screen - for example when you are talking on the phone or need to read a text.

👉 Take short breaks, walk around a bit, stretch and rest your eyes.

Read more: Godt arbejdsmiljø

Video cameras

Video cameras of the "dome" type have been installed at the three entrance doors to our buildings, and signage has been set up.

The video cameras are i.a. installed for preventive reasons.

Access and review of recordings is only upon request from the police and requires a police report.

We are investigating how data is stored.

Dalux helpdesk - a guide

Dalux helpdesk is AU's IT system that brings together operation and maintenance tasks of the university's buildings.

Everyone may and can report problems with buildings and buildings' infrastructure to BYG via the system.

Remember that all matters relating to the laboratories (especially those affecting the working environment or safety) must be reported to Charlotte at the same time.

Install Dalux helpdesk:

  • As an app on your mobile phone.
  • Open in a browser on your computer.

Overall identification is always "au". If prompted for "user ID" leave this field blank. Fill out the fields with your e-mail address, name and phone number. You receive a login code which is only used the first time.

  • Scan the QR codes that are located in the door frames of offices, laboratories and intermediate doors in the buildings - this places the task on a building drawing. You can also report problems without a QR code.
  • Choose a suitable category (e.g. plumbing, doors and windows, Other, etc.), create a short description, insert documentation (e.g. pictures) and click "Send ticket".
  • You will then receive a receipt where you can continuously follow the case and communicate directly with BYG about a solution.

The QR code on the left leads to the instructional video "Create tickets in the Helpdesk".


The concept for evacuation at Aarhus University must be able to function at all times:

As the university is an open institution, no persons have been designated in advance to act as evacuation leaders and assembly point leaders. It is important that everyone can step in and act as evacuation leader or assembly point leader if a situation requires it. A good knowledge of the evacuation concept is therefore important for everyone who moves around Aarhus University.

The university has made an instructional video that everyone must watch, it is available in danish and english.

Remember that you, as a teacher or host of guests, have a special responsibility during an evacuation.

At Geoscience, we also have a set of green vests which are used by observers from the local occupational health and safety committee (LAMU): The green vests signals that LAMU does not actively participate in the exercise but observes, among other things, human behavior and the quality of sound from the alarm system so that we can learn from the process and optimize the evacuation of different areas. During an evacuation drill, the observers are placed all around the corridors.

We expect to have the annual evacuation drill in September.

Read more: AU evacuation

Notice about quarantine in 1672-034 in the autumn

Sample material obtained outside the EU:

The Department of Geoscience will start a research project over the next few months, where the soil samples originate from areas outside the EU. Special rules therefore apply for the handling of the material to prevent potential "plant pests" from escaping into Danish or European nature. Among other things.:

  • The material must be quarantined during storage and handling, i.e. the samples are kept separate from other samples and the area must be restricted to access.
  • Handling may only be done by authorized, named personnel.
  • We must ensure correct information, labelling, etc. when the work is in progress (this text therefore forms part of the documentation).
  • When the project is completed, the remains and waste must either be incinerated or autoclaved (or collected and disposed of as hazardous waste).

Before, during and after laboratory work, laboratory 1672-034 is therefore in quarantine. During the period, there will be special signage and a red marker on the door indicating that the room is in quarantine and you are not allowed to enter. The door must be locked at all times and no one may enter without an agreement with Charlotte.

If there are other researchers who get similar projects in, remember to contact Charlotte.

Read more: ”Håndtering af materiale fra ikke-EU land”


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