AUFF Lektor Starting Grants
Thorsten Nagel - DKK. 2.000.000
Projekt: Conditions for plate tectonics on Earth and other terrestrial planets
One of the classic questions in tectonics is when plate tectonics started to operate on Earth and what controlled the onset. Together with a PhD student, we will study Archean and Proterozoic orogens in southwestern Greenland with respects to deformation style, pressure-temperature-time evolution, and geochemical derivation of magmatic rocks in order to better constrain a possible evolution of tectonic style during the early history of the Earth. Kenni will run thermomechanical models, which we will test with published and our new data. We hope to contribute to defining boundary conditions for plate tectonics.
The project will take place in cooperation with Kenni Dinesen at Department of Geoscience and members of the Stellar Astrophysics Centre at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Stephane Bodin - DKK. 2.116.388
Projekt: Assessing the environmental parameters controlling the growth and demise of shallow-water carbonate reefs
With rising concerns regarding the persistence of coral reefs through the 21st century, there is a crucial need to understand how these ecosystems will respond to environmental deterioration such as climate warming, ocean acidification, decreased ocean oxygenation, and other associated phenomena. Biological studies are at present refining our understanding of the physiological responses of specific taxa to these stressors, but short-term research cannot by itself answer long-term evolutionary or ecosystem-scale questions. The long time series of ancient carbon cycle perturbations that can be extracted from the sedimentary archives are of paramount importance to understanding the response of reef systems to current and future global changes. This study will be instrumental in developing of a new research group focused on the understanding of past
environmental changes and their impact on shallow-water ecosystems. This research group will also be dedicated at developing new proxies for paleo-environmental studies.
Collaboration with the business world
A-letter or B-letter?
From 1 January 2016, the Danish mail service Post Danmark changed conditions for sending letters.
Basically, all letters will go as B-letters (economy letters), i.e. a letter will be delivered in DK no later than 4 workdays after you posted it.
If your letter necessarily must be be delivered in DK on the following weekday, it must go as an A-letter (principal letter), and you must write an “A” above the address.
As usual you just have to leave your letters unstamped in the shelf "postkasse/posthus" – and the university internal mail service will take care of it.
ST and AU partners/Office hours:
- Monday 8-16: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- Tuesday 9-11: ST studies, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk
- Wednesday 9-11.30: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- Wednesday 9-13: ST finance, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk
- Thursday 9-11: ST HR, Steen Nielsen, steen@au.dk
- Thursday 9-12: ST IT, Dan Guldberg, dangu@au.dk / 93508294
Bo Holm Jacobsen office hours for students
- Tuesday 10-12
- Thursday 16.15-18
Above information is available also on geo.medarbejdere.au.dk, entry page.
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