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Den 17. juni
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Mit navn er Rikke Brok Jensen. -
Jeg er laborant og startede her i huset d. 1. maj 2016. Før jeg kom her, var jeg ansat på Institut for Bioscience, Center for Geomikrobiologi, AU, hvor jeg arbejdede med et bredt spektrum af forskellige geokemiske analyser herunder sediment- og vandanalyse, isotoper, gaskromatografi, massespektrometri. Før det har jeg været ansat andre steder på AU: på Institut for Folkesundhed, Sektion for Idræt, og Institut for Biomedicin, hvor jeg arbejdede med vævs-og blodprøver, mammale celler og deres biokemi. Jeg er udlært som laborant i 2008 ved Novo Nordisk A/S og Laborantskolen i Aarhus. Derudover har jeg en bachelor i biologi ved AU. Som en del af mit arbejde på AU har jeg forestået undervisning af medicin-, idræts- og biologistuderende. Jeg bor i Hasselager sammen min mand Michael, Signe på 5 år og Lasse på 2 år. Glæder mig meget til at arbejde sammen med jer alle. Vi
Jan Danisch, ny ph.d.-studerende fra 1. maj 2016
Born and raised in the Ruhr-distriktet in western Germany, I developed an early love for Pizza and the colour green. I subsequently stayed there, in Bochum, for my studies of Geoscience. In my bachelor thesis I investigated the spatio-temporal evolution of a Miocene mixed volcanoclastic-carbonate deposit of south-eastern Spain and continued my Master in sediment- and isotope geology / palaeontology. My master thesis was then later about a giant carbonate bioconstruction of the lower Jurassic located in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. With field-work, carbon isotope and extensive microfacies analyses, I was able to put the evolution of this bioconstruction into a in a global context of evolving climate, sea-level and carbon cycle. In my PhD thesis with the help of my supervisor Stephane Bodin, I will further explore environmental changes of lower and middle Jurassic timeframes and
its impact on shallow and deep neritic carbonate factories. This is based also in the High Atlas of Morocco, where I will do extensive field work combined with chemostratigraphy, microfacies and trace element / phosphorous analyses. I am very much honored and thrilled to be here in Aarhus and hope to have a great and successful time!
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