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Aarhus University

Geoscience Newsletter

No. 8/2016 - 22 August 2016

Read in Danish

Some information in the Danish version of this newsletter refers to pages on AU or Geoscience staff website which are unfortunately not yet available in English

Other GEO-news here:
Centre of Earth System Petrology: volcano.au.dk | HGG:  hgg.au.dk

Invitation | Registration

Upcoming Events

See also the calendar on the Geoscience staff webpages

25 August, 13:15
Qualifying Exam - PhD student Daniel Søndergaard Skov

30 August, 13:00
Final examination for Master's Degree - Julius Pedersen

9 September, 16.30
AGIR - grand opening


30 September
Late Summer Party at Geoscience - Mark your calendar!
Detailed information later


Important information concerning non-Nordic citizens engaged in research activities in Greenland!

Be aware that non-Nordic citizens traveling to Greenland or the Faroe Islands to perform work related to their research, must have a separate residence and work permit. ONLY Nordic citizens are exempted - so it also applies to other EU citizens.
Due to a long processing time, it is important to apply well in advance of departure.
More information at: ias.au.dk - and newtodenmark.dk: https://www.nyidanmark.dk/en-us/coming_to_dk/greenland/work/work.htm.
If you need help/have questions, contact Michael Winther - tel. 8715 2558/email: mw@au.dk.

Sabbatical Grants at ST

It is now possible again to apply to the Research Committee at Science and Technology (ST) for sabbatical grants for periods abroad. Next deadline: 29 August 2016.

More information: http://scitech.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/currently/news/show/artikel/st-sabbaticalstipendier/


Presentation of new employees and guests

Graham Hagen-Peter, postdoc.
01.07.2016 - 31.12.2017
I am originally from the state of Vermont in the U.S. I attended graduate school at UC Santa Barbara, where I studied the metamorphic and magmatic history of an ancient convergent margin in Antarctica. I taught geology courses at two small colleges in Minnesota before coming to Denmark. I've joined the Earth System Petrology group at Aarhus, working with Chip Lesher, Christian Tegner, and others to study various processes of the geochemical evolution of the earth's upper mantle and crust. Some of the topics that I hope to pursue here include: 1) The mechanisms of geochemical enrichment of the mantle lithosphere; 2) Using in situ Sr isotopes in plagioclase to track crystallization and assimilation during magmatism in the crust; 3) Developing and improving techniques in the new geochemistry labs at AU. I'm happy to be here at AU and look forward to meeting many of you!.

Genevieve Holdridge - postdoc
01.08.2016 - 30.06.2017
I am from New York, USA and I recently received my doctorate from the University of Georgia, Athens GA.  My research involved the geoarchaeology and the fluvial geomorphology of arroyos in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico.  I have a background in Near Eastern archaeology as well, having studied and participated in field excavations between 1997-2008, including in Turkey and Cyprus.  My current project involves examining the fluvial geomorphology of a large Greco-Roman city, Jerash (ancient Gerasa, 1,900-1300 BP), in the semi-arid environment of northern Jordan.  We will also examine soils and sediments within the ancient city´s archaeological context.

Craig Lundstrom - Visiting professor from the University of Illinois
01.08. - 30.09. 2016
Craig studies the  formation of Earth’s crust and magma evolution through a combination of experimental petrology and isotope geochemistry. He focuses on the processes of magma differentiation with specific emphasis on the formation of silicic igneous such as granites and rhyolites. Recent research has examined the role of temperature gradients in magma chambers where silicate melts evolve using new methods of measuring silicon and iron isotopes. He will be working on developing the Si isotope procedure at Aarhus including direct measurement of microsamples by laser ablation of quartz to better understand how magma chambers work.

Anette Højen Sørensen
Affiliated staff member at Geoscience from summer 2016.
Former employee at School of Culture and Society - Archaeology, Aarhus University.
Collaborator for many years of Walter Friedrich, emeritus at Geoscience..

Use the staff webpages!

Do you know

  • that on the entrance page of our staff website http://geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/  you find a number of useful shortcuts to commonly used AU systems and information of importance to researchers and teachers?
    Use them! - It is the direct and quickest way to the pages you need.

If you miss a shortcut of possible common interest, please contact the Secretariat, and we may add it in connection with the next update.

Mailing lists - students

In connection with the new academic year, we make some changes of the mailing list system for Geoscience students. To make update of lists easier and make sure we reach all students, the system will be simplified, leaving only four lists:
One for undergraduate students - one for graduate students - one for student in technical geoscience - and one for all Geoscience students.

The new lists will be updated in accordance with current student lists from Tina Veirup in the ST study administration.
When the change is complete, you will be informed about the new addresses.

Partners office 1672-232

ST and AU partners/Office hours:
- Monday 8-16: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- Monday  9-12: Dan Guldborg, ST IT, aarhus.st.it@au.dk
- Tuesday 10-12: ST studies, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk 
- Wednesday 9-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- Wednesday 9-11.30: ST finance, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk

Bo Holm Jacobsen office hours for students
- Tuesday 10-12
- Thursday 16.15-18
Above information is available also on geo.medarbejdere.au.dk, entry page.

Newsletters on the web.
This and all previous newsletters are available also on the Geoscience staff webpages http://geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/ - There is a direct link from the entry page.

The newsletter is published by Department of Geoscience and is not possible to be unsubscribed from