Se også kalenderen på Geoscience medarbejderhjemmesiden.
Den 27. januar, kl. 10.30
Kvalifikationseksamen, ph.d.-studerende Astrid Strunk
Den 27. januar, kl. 14.00
Kvalifikationseksamen, ph.d.-studerende Alexandra Fogtmann-Schulz
Forskning / Forskningsstøtte
John Jansen - Postdoc
I am a geomorphologist, sedimentologist and Quaternary geologist who studies how climate and tectonics drive the evolution of landscapes over timescales of thousands to millions of years. My approach is primarily field-based alongside spatial analysis and numerical modelling, and I have extensively applied cosmogenic nuclides and luminescence dating to quantify erosion/sediment production, transport and deposition in rivers, lakes, dunes, and in glaciated terrain. Since gaining a PhD in 2001 from Macquarie University, Sydney, I have held postdoctoral positions in Australia, Scotland, Sweden, and Germany. In November 2016, I joined the group led by Professor David Lundbek Egholm in a project funded by the Danish Research Council that will investigate the evolution of North Atlantic continental margins.
Geoscience i GEUS' bestyrelse
Træffetider/ST og AU partnere:
- mandag 8.30-15.30: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- mandag 9-12: ST IT, aarhus.st.it@au.dk
- tirsdag 10-12: ST studier, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk
- onsdag 9-15: ST økonomi, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- onsdag 9-11.30: ST økonomi, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk
- torsdag 8.30-12: ST HR, Charlotte Illum, charlotte@au.dk
- fredag 8-15 ST økonomi, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
Derudover har Bo Holm Jacobsen træffetid for studerende
- tirsdag 10-12
- torsdag 16.15-18
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