Research / Research Support
Research Support
Vivi Kathrine Petersen - future postdoc at Geoscience - was awarded Dkr. 7.5 mio from the VILLUM Young Investigator Programme. Se the News on geo.au.dk/en/
Andrew Murray and Reza Sohbati were granted Dkr. 1,910,267 from the Danish Council for Independent Research for the project "Determination of mass-movement return frequency along the Bailong River". The project was described on Videnskab.dk (Danish only) . Read the News on geo.au.dk/en/
Anders Vesterholt - PhD student
Supervisor: Thorsten Nagel
On February 1st I started as a PhD student at Department of Geoscience.
During my PhD project, titled ”Plate tectonics on the early Earth/Conditions for plate tectonics on terrestrial planets” I will - along with Thorsten Nagel and Kenni Dinesen Petersen - attempt to determine the conditions required for a planet to develop plate tectonics.
These subjects will primarily be researched using thermomechanical modelling, which makes it possible to test the effects of for instance the assumption of a higher mantle temperature for a younger Earth.
Alumini network and Alumni day
We believe that contact between researchers and students of Geoscience and the alumni could be a way to new projects and new ideas for research and for solving practical problems.
Therefore, you are all invited to join the Geoscience alumni group on LinkedIn and become a part of the geoscience network: http://geo.au.dk/profil/alumner/.
The invitation includes also participation in the upcoming Alumni day 2017 taking place on 10 March. The preliminary program (Danish) is available from the above website.
New AU Parking restrictions
ST and AU partners/Office hours:
- Monday 8-16: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- Monday 9-12: Dan Guldborg, ST IT, aarhus.st.it@au.dk
- Tuesday 10-12: ST studies, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk
- Wednesday 9-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- Wednesday 9-11.30: ST finance, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk
- Thursday 08.30-12: ST HR, Charlotte Illum, charlotte@au.dk
- Friday 8-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
Bo Holm Jacobsen office hours for students
- Tuesday 10-12
- Thursday 16.15-18
Above information is available also on geo.medarbejdere.au.dk, entry page.
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