See also the calendar on the Geoscience staff webpages
17 March, 14.15
Geoscience Seminar - June Wicks, Princeton University, USA
23 March, 14.15
Geoscience Seminar - Stijn de Schepper, University of Bergen, Norway
5 April, 15.15
Geoscience Seminar - Morgan T. Jones, University of Oslo, Norway
6 April, 11.15
Geoscience Seminar - Christof Pearce, Stockholm University, Sweden
24 May
Geoscience Day 2017
AU again takes part in the DHL Relay Race – on 17 August 2017
True to tradition, all staff members are invited to participate in the DHL Relay Race in Aarhus, 2,016 AU employees participated in last year's race.
Read more, register and see photos from the 2016 race on http://medarbejdere.au.dk/en/administration/hr/personalegoder/dhl/
Who takes up the relay and register some Geoscience teams?
Deadline for registration is May 5, 2017.
A project is in progress with scanning of old slides delivered by both past and present researchers. If you want to have some of your slides included in this collection, contact Lene Kjeldsteen. You are welcome to deliver photos in bundles with a common title, which will then be the name of the relevant folder. However, individual photos will not be named.
A fair collection is already available, located on a shared drive as "ST_Fotosamling" You find it by this path
- on a PC: uni file system (O :) ST_Fotosamling
- On a mac: uni.au.dk/dfs/ST_Fotosamling
Note: Since the project is based on non-regular volunteers, errors and breaks in the scanning may occur.
ST and AU partners/Office hours:
- Monday 8-16: AU Library, Morten Hjorth Gad, mhg@au.dk
- Monday 9-12: Dan Guldborg, ST IT, aarhus.st.it@au.dk
- Tuesday 10-12: ST studies, Tina Veirup, tina.veirup@science.au.dk
- Wednesday 9-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
- Wednesday 9-11.30: ST finance, Rana Elahmad, rana@au.dk
- Thursday 08.30-12: ST HR, Charlotte Illum, charlotte@au.dk
- Friday 8-15: ST finance, Thomas Lund Hansen, thomaslhansen@au.dk
Bo Holm Jacobsen office hours for students
- Tuesday 10-12
- Thursday 16.15-18
Above information is available also on geo.medarbejdere.au.dk, entry page.
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