The 2017 elections have begun
This year the students will vote for all the coollegial bodies
and the academic staff will vote for PhD committees and the boards of studies
2.-3 Ocktober
Distinguished Instructor Short Course "Geophysical Electromagnetics: Fundamentals and Applications" i Aarhus
4 October
Geospace workshop
10 October
HGG seminar - Pradip Kumar Maurya
12 October
2nd Aarhus University-DHRTC Workshop
Presentation of new employees and guests
Mentor scheme
It is now again possible to sign up for the AU mentoring scheme Empower Talent !
Empower Talent! matches employees at assistant professor level (assistant professor/researcher/post doc) with more experienced colleagues at associate professor level or professor level.
The intention with the Empower Talent! initiative is to contribute to retaining and developing talent, while also contributing to ensuring diversity and creating an attractive work environment at Aarhus University.
More information and registration is available at
Registration deadline is 22 October 2017.
Research / Research Support
Mailing lists
Many employees have asked for a brush-up on which internal mailing lists we have and how to use them.
In short, you find the lists in Outlook. They can only contain AU outlook users, and only Outlook mail users have access to them.
You find guidelines and a description of the Geoscience lists on the staff homepage: http://geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/communication/mail-lists/
The newsletter is published by Department of Geoscience and is not possible to be unsubscribed from