On January 3-4 about 30 employees, mainly from the VIP group participated in a meeting at Kystvejens Konferencecenter in Grenå. The main theme of the meeting was: Where is geoscience going and how do we position ourselves?
The discussions plenary as well as in groups were concentrated on the topics: education, research, talent and industrial collaboration/public consultancy.
Many interesting and relevant views on mega trends, machine learning, digitalisering, satelliter and remote sensing were discussed in their relevance to geoscience. At the end of the meeting, the following working groups were established:
1. Exploring the Narrative of cool Geoscience: Bo, Thorsten, David, Mads, Esben og Søren B
2. To improve our awareness of promoting each other: Research committee
3. Another Graduate Summer Course: David, Mads, Jan Pieter, Nikolaj og Bo
4. The possibility of some internal relocations: Nikolaj, Stephane, Christof Pearce og Thomas L
5. Planning next year’s VIP retreat: Søren B, Søren Munch, Thomas N, Anders V. og Thomas L