Leibo Bian is a PhD student from 21 November at the department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, and he will stay at AU approximately three years.
Together with his supervisor, Professor Hamed Sanei, he will focus on inorganic petroleum geochemistry.
Xiaowei Zheng starts her PhD in Lithosphere organic carbon (LOC) group in the Department of Geoscience from December.
Her previous research was mainly about shale reservoir and tight sandstone reservoir, with expertise in pore structure analysis, mineralogy and diagenesis research. She will continue her research on the Alum shale, especially in the organic petrology and geochemistry, during her PhD. A comprehensive comparative work between the Fuling shale and the Alum shale will also be made.
You are warmly welcome to find me at room 1672-230 or e-mail me directly at zhengxiaowei@geo.au.dk.
English version
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