20 December
Deadline for settlements in RejsUd & IndFak
15 January 2020
Deadline for registering publications in PURE
Settlements in RejsUd & IndFak
The faculty management and the rector have a strong focus on the quality of our record-keeping.
For this reason, it is a priority task for all departments, centres, faculty secretariat and administration to ensure a good and meticulous record-keeping.
At the Faculty Management Meeting on 21 November 2019, the following was decided:
Department and department secretariat managers / center secretariat managers, faculty secretariat and administration center must clarify how to locally achieve the goal of ensuring the quality of filing and carry out a process so that record-keeping takes place in WorkZone and in accordance with AU's journal instructions and applicable laws (eg. public law, GDPR and environmental information law).
Ensure that the necessary resources are allocated for implementation and follow-up of this quality assurance project.
Quick guide to scientists is being released.
It should be emphasized that the obligation of record-keeping is the responsibility of all employees at AU, both VIP and TAP.
Unfortunately, HR is still in an extraordinary situation, especially here in December, where the Christmas holidays leave less time to solve various HR tasks.
They are particularly focused on handling all cases that have accession dates in 2019 before the end of the year. Right now, they are working on cases where the date of accession is November and December 2019. That means they have cases in WorkZone with accession in January 2020 onwards, which they probably won't have time to handle here in December 2019 (fyi the total quantity of cases for expedition in WorkZone is about 110).
HR is trying to handle as many cases as possible in relation to hiring in January 2020 on the basis of previously announced priorities:
The first priority remains WAGES on time based on the following types of employment:
VIP employment - foreigners outside the EU - both permanent and temporary incl. extensions
VIP employment - foreigners within the EU - both permanent and temporary incl. extensions
VIP employment - Danes - both permanent and temporary incl. extensions
TAP - SUL appointments (employment letter must be delivered before start date)
TAP - permanent employment
TAP - temporary employment
Job posting: Ongoing recruitment continues with subsequent employment based on the above priority. We ask the institutes to loyally designate cases that are business critical, and then we prioritize these. This may mean that non-priority emply cases will take longer than usual. This is due to the division of ST.
New vacancies will be put on hold until week 3, 2020 due to the division of the faculty.
HR expects to handle immigration cases with accession in January 2020 before Christmas.
Two new members of HR staff will start in January 2020, which is expected to improve the situation.
Our new PhD student Joanna has taken the initiative to recycle even more than we already do.
There are now 3 buckets with lids for glass, hard plastic and paper & cardboard in the hallway by the kitchen in building 1672.
Sorting takes place almost like in private homes in Aarhus Municipality, therefore glass and plastic must be lightly cleaned and paper and cardboard must not be dirty (i.e. NO pizza trays!)
On AffaldVarme you can see lists of which things that can be recycled and which cannot.
We hope everyone at Geoscience will support this great initiative.
... and an update on the rules for sorting plastic ...
Recycling plastic right (applies to Aarhus City)
The plastic waste container by the car lift (basement, building 1674) is often contaminated with soft plastic.
For example, cleaned bottles, buckets, trays, cans, lids and disposable services can be recycled, ie. hard plastic may be put in the container.
Everything else (e.g. plastic bags, household films, bubble wrap, tubes, flamingos, etc.) that is SOFT plastic must not be put in the plastic recycling container.
Omnibus' christmas calendar
Holidays in the secretariat
Holidays in ST administration
Administration Center ST will be closed from 21 December 2019 until 5 January 2020.
Some employees are at work on 23, 27 & 30 December 2019 and 2 & 3 January 2020, but longer response times are to be expected.
ST IT support Campus Aarhus will be open on 23, 27 & 30 December from 9 am to 1 pm.
After the Christmas holidays, many of the employees in the Administration Center will be busy with the parting of ST, there will be extended response times through-out January 2020.
When the journalist calls
Geoscience student wins the Tapas Hackathon
While others went to Christmas lunch last Friday, geoscience student Mathias Busk Dahl participated in a Hackathon organized by the Agency for Data Supply and efficiency.
In the competition, participants were to present a bid for a revolutionary use of the so-called TAPAS platform. TAPAS stands for "Testbed in Aarhus for Precision Positioning and Autonomous Systems".
Mathias, along with two others, presented a concept in which radars, flown by drones, were used to assist in the expansion of the Port of Aarhus. The concept was so good that the group won the competition and DKK 20,000.
Congratulations to Mathias!
Now that the parking gate is put back into use, it has become extra important to provide guest cards for guests arriving by car.
Geoscinece employees CANNOT activate guest cards themselves. This responsibility lies with ST Byg which is a management decision.
Therefore, let the secretariat know well in advance when you receive a guest who needs a guest card.
ST Byg is pressed for time, they may not always be able to open a card the same day they receive a request.
The International Center has moved to new premises
Remember to register publications in PURE
Remember the travel insurance card
Office hours / ST and AU partners
Partners with office hours, room 1671-134:
Dan Guldborg, IT support | aarhus.st.it@au.dk
Monday 9-12
Mette Møller Larsen, controller, ST finance | mmla@au.dk
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, ST finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk
Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14
Louise Godt (maternity leave), Research Support Office | logo@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Rikke Märcher Rochat (maternity cover), Research Support Office | rmr@au.dk
Thursday 9-12
Other partners:
Maiken Dazelle Nielsen, studies/ courses & exams | maiken@au.dk
Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library | mhga@kb.dk
HR-related questions should be adressed to HR ST Team 1 | HR.ST.team1@au.dk
Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to HR ST Specialisttem | HR.ST.team.specialist.dk
Rikke J. Ljungmann, Advisor, special consultant, ST PhD-administration | rjl@au.dk
Claus Palle, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office | cpa@au.dk
Bo Holm Jacobsen's office hours for students:
Tuesday 10-12 and Thursday 16.15-17
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/