20 September
Recording tour video at GEO
24 September
Student & Research Group Matchmaking
30 September
Hybrid conference on sustainability
Together for green experience
1 October
Geoscience Summer party
6 October
Girls' Day in Science
5 November
Geo Match: Network & Carreer Day
Welcome back from vacation.
A new academic year has begun. 1st year students and their tutors have completed the intro days, and now we say welcome back to all the other students.
HGG have settled in, and before long all moving boxes have been emptied, boards and shelves hung up and the hallways will be free of furniture.
Smile at all the new faces as you meet them in the hallways.
Remember, when you leave...
The lights must be turned off in the rooms you leave
The windows must be closed in the rooms you leave
(open windows trigger the alarms and the department receives a bill from the security company)
The yellow sunblinds in front of the windows must be rolled in (the contacts for the blinds are in the corridors)
Doors to laboratories and workshops must be closed
Remember, when using a department car...
The department cars must be parked in the stalls marked with "Institutbil"
The parking spaces in front of the workshops are reserved for workshop cars
Department cars must stay in the car park at the department, unless they are on a field trip.
It is not allowed to take an department car home with you, not even when you need to use it the following day
The department car must be handed in clean and with a full tank
Receipts for fuel and washing must be handed in at the secretariat
The logbook in the glove compartment must be completed after use
Loans of workshop cars must be agreed with Per Trinhammer in the workshop
HGG has brought their 2 cars to the parking lot. These are used for HGG projects
Remember, we clean up after ourselves!
Cleaning staff do not empty bins or recycled paper bins in offices. The users of the offices must take care of this themselves.
There are rubbish bins with lids in the corridors (picture). Food waste must be thrown in here.
In the mail room, 1672-129, and the printing room, 1671-237, there are stands with paper bags for paper waste and plastic bags for other waste (plastic etc.).
In the basement of building 1674 (by the car lift) there are waste containers for cardboard, plastic, glass, soil residues, and electronic waste.
There is also a paper shredder.
Remember, when in need of a handyman...
Research and publications
Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz
Rasmus Andreasen & Erik Thomsen
On Friday 1 October, the department's summer party will be held for employees.
In connection with the party, we celebrate all the occasions we have not been able to celebrate while closed down; anniversaries, the appointment of a new head of department, the appointment of a professor and the resignations of colleagues.
It will be a full day of activities, fun and good food and beverages.
Save the date, the invitation is on its way.
New printer and "secure printing"
Join the Friday morning bread club
New Programme Coordinator
Office hours / Nat-Tech and AU partners
Partners with office hours, room 1672-123:
IT support | aarhus.st.it@au.dk | 9350 8294
Monday 9-12
Mette Møller Larsen, controller, Finance | mmla@au.dk | 6057 1105
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, Finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk | 9352 1027
Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14
Other partners:
Frederikke Kongsted Hansen, PhD partner, PhD-administration | fkh@au.dk | 9352 2673
Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen (Stine), AU Research Support and External Relations - Research Support Office (FSE) | aclk@au.dk | 9352 2209
Henriette Withen Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | hwh@au.dk | 4189 3290
Torkil Bukkehave Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | tbh@au.dk | 9352 1166
Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen, studies/ courses & exams | aaf@au.dk
Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library | mhga@kb.dk
HR-related questions should be adressed to Nat Tech HR Team 1 | HR.ST.team1@au.dk
Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to Nat Tech HR Specialist team | HR.ST.team.specialist.dk
Thomas Ulrich's office hours for students:
Tuesday 12-14 and Thursday 16-17
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/