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Aarhus Universitet

Geoscience newsletter

No. 7/2021 - August 2021


  • 20 September
    Recording tour video at GEO
  • 24 September
    Student & Research Group Matchmaking
  • 30 September
    Hybrid conference on sustainability
    Together for green experience
  • 1 October
    Geoscience Summer party
  • 6 October
    Girls' Day in Science
  • 5 November
    Geo Match: Network & Carreer Day



Welcome back from vacation.

A new academic year has begun. 1st year students and their tutors have completed the intro days, and now we say welcome back to all the other students.

HGG have settled in, and before long all moving boxes have been emptied, boards and shelves hung up and the hallways will be free of furniture.

Smile at all the new faces as you meet them in the hallways.

Remember, when you leave...

  • The lights must be turned off in the rooms you leave
  • The windows must be closed in the rooms you leave
    (open windows trigger the alarms and the department receives a bill from the security company)
  • The yellow sunblinds in front of the windows must be rolled in (the contacts for the blinds are in the corridors)
  • Doors to laboratories and workshops must be closed

Remember, when using a department car...

  • The department cars must be parked in the stalls marked with "Institutbil"
  • The parking spaces in front of the workshops are reserved for workshop cars
  • Department cars must stay in the car park at the department, unless they are on a field trip.
    It is not allowed to take an department car home with you, not even when you need to use it the following day
  • The department car must be handed in clean and with a full tank
  • Receipts for fuel and washing must be handed in at the secretariat
  • The logbook in the glove compartment must be completed after use
  • Loans of workshop cars must be agreed with Per Trinhammer in the workshop
  • HGG has brought their 2 cars to the parking lot. These are used for HGG projects

Remember, we clean up after ourselves!

Cleaning staff do not empty bins or recycled paper bins in offices. The users of the offices must take care of this themselves.

There are rubbish bins with lids in the corridors (picture). Food waste must be thrown in here.

In the mail room, 1672-129, and the printing room, 1671-237, there are stands with paper bags for paper waste and plastic bags for other waste (plastic etc.).

In the basement of building 1674 (by the car lift) there are waste containers for cardboard, plastic, glass, soil residues, and electronic waste.
There is also a paper shredder.

Remember, when in need of a handyman...

All renovation work must be agreed with the Estate Facilities Department, and all agreements with them go through the secretariat.

If repairs etc. are needed, contact the secretariat.

Research and publications

Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz

In north-eastern Greenland, there are unexplored areas when it comes to research into climate change and the marine environment. Now, a research project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and led by Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, will create valuable knowledge about the region by using a new and unique data set.

Read the article: "Secrets of the ice"

Christoffer Karoff

Several astronomers believed that the giant star Betelgeuse was about to explode, but this was not the case. Instead, it was stardust that surrounded the planet. But the whole process around Betelgeuse is important in understanding the development - and also the origin of life - in the Universe, Christoffer Karoff says.

Read the article: "Fra supernova til stjernestøv - gåden om Betelgeuse er løst" (In Danish)

Katrine Juul Andresen

There are still old mines from World War II in “Koraldybet” by Kalø Vig. In this clip from TV2 Østjylland, you can hear our assistant professor Katrine Juul Andresen (from 4:08) talk about a project that maps the mines. Here, Geoscience is involved in data collection and advice on the mapping.

See the TV-clip: "Bombe-kirkegård i Aarhus bugt" (In Danish)

Mads Faurschou Knudsen

Elementary school pupils can now easily learn about the causes of climate change. They can learn about the subject with Associate Professor Mads Faurschou Knudsen as a digital guest teacher on Denmark's learning platform EMU – a platform made by the Ministry of Children and Education. Through videos and teaching material targeted at 8th and 9th grade, Mads talks about key issues in connection with climate change.

Read about the course: "Årsager til klimaforandringer med Mads Faurschou Knudsen" (In Danish)

Bent Odgaard

Notions of the ecosystems of the past plays a major role in the debate on biodiversity. Professor emeritus Bent Odgaard and others document on the basis of measuring e.g. titanium in a borehole on Mols that the primeval forest before agriculture came was dense and not particularly affected by large grazers in contrast to theories of rewilding.

Read the article: "Forskere: Den danske urskov var tæt og ikke synderligt påvirket af elge og urokser" (In Danish)

Rasmus Andreasen & Erik Thomsen

In a new article, Rasmus and Erik relate to the comments from Robert Frei regarding their work with strontium and the Egtved girl.
In the answer, they show that the calculations Robert Frei makes to support his arguments are based on an incorrect basis. Instead, when using the best available estimates in the calculations, they show that strontium from agricultural lime is very much leached to streams and groundwater and therefore greatly affects the strontium signature that is measured today and used as a basis for comparison with archaeological finds such as the Egtved girl. When this influence is taken into account, there is nothing in the strontium signatures to indicate that the Egtved girl did not come from the Egtved area.

Read the article: "Response: Commentary: Strontium Is Released Rapidly From Agricultural Lime-Implications for Provenance and Migration Studies"

GEO Summer party

On Friday 1 October, the department's summer party will be held for employees.

In connection with the party, we celebrate all the occasions we have not been able to celebrate while closed down; anniversaries, the appointment of a new head of department, the appointment of a professor and the resignations of colleagues.

It will be a full day of activities, fun and good food and beverages.

Save the date, the invitation is on its way.

New main number for GEO

The Department of Geoscience has a new main phone number:

+45 9352 2570

The telephone is answered by the secretariat.

New printer and "secure printing"

We now have 2 multifunction machines at the department. One in the mail room, 1672-129 named 1672-129-c-2. And one in building 1671, room 237 named 1671-237-c-1.

All employees at GEO can print on both printers.

Set up "Secure Printing" on your PC to prevent uncollected print.

Instructions for installing the printer and setting up secure printing

Recording tour video

On Monday 20 September, a new tour video will be recorded at the department between 9-14.

Among other things, we will film teaching situations, in the corridors and in laboratories.

We make arrangements with affected teachers and laboratory technicians so that students and others who do not want to be in the video can leave the room or place themselves outside the range of the camera.

Booking lab facilities

Geoscience laboratory facilities can be booked online by both internal and external lab users.

First time users need to receive access from Charlotte. Send name, e-mail address and possibly AU-ID and remember that instruments and laboratories can only be reserved once you have gone through the safety introduction AND have been instructed by the lab staff in the specific process.

More information about the booking procedure

Join the Friday morning bread club

All GEO employees are invited to join the Friday Bread Club every Friday at 10 in the staff lunch room, 1672, 2nd floor.

We take turns bringing bread and cold cuts/ cheese/ marmalade etc., and sometimes there is cake.

Want to join?
Write your name on the list that hangs on the bulletin board in the staff kitchen, 1672, 2nd floor.

New partners

New phd partner

Our new PhD partner is Frederikke Kongsted Hansen.

She can be reached on tel .: +45 9352 2673 and e-mail

Whether Frederikke will have office hours at GEO will be decided during the autumn.

New Programme Coordinator

Our new Programme Coordinator is Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen.

She can be reached on tel .: +45 4189 3348 and e-mail:

News from the library

New magazines

  • Economic Geology (2021) Vol. 116, nr. 3
  • Economic Geology (2021) Vol. 116, nr. 4
  • Economic Geology (2021) Vol. 116, nr. 5
  • Petrophysics (2021) Vol. 62. nr. 2
  • Petrophysics (2021) Vol. 62. nr. 3
  • Newsletters on stratigraphy (2021) Vol. 54, nr. 2
  • Newsletters on stratigraphy (2021) Vol. 54, nr. 3
  • Aktuel Naturvidenskab (2021) nr. 3
  • Vand & Jord (2021) Årg. 28, nr. 2
  • Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2021) vol. 51, nr. 2
  • Cainozoic Research (2021) Vol. 21, nr. 1
  • Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (2021) nr. 47

The magazines can be found in the staff lunch room, 1672-2nd floor

New employees

Paul McLachlan

Paul McLachlan has started as a Postdoc at HGG. Paul will be with us for 3 years.

Here is an introduction in Paul's own words:

I started my studies as a geology student in Edinburgh before migrating towards near-surface geophysics. I have worked with various geophysical problems in the laboratory and field, and I also enjoy developing open-source modeling tools to permit easier accessibility to geophysics. I wanted to join Aarhus University’s Geoscience Department due to the diverse and meaningful nature of the projects tackled by the Department and the Hydrogeophysics Group.

Office hours / Nat-Tech and AU partners

Partners with office hours, room 1672-123:

  • IT support | | 9350 8294
    Monday 9-12
  • Mette Møller Larsen, controller, Finance | | 6057 1105
    Wednesday 8.30-15.30
  • Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Administrator, Finance | | 9352 1027
    Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14

Other partners:

  • Frederikke Kongsted Hansen, PhD partner, PhD-administration | | 9352 2673
  • Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen (Stine), AU Research Support and External Relations - Research Support Office (FSE) | | 9352 2209
  • Henriette Withen Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | 4189 3290
  • Torkil Bukkehave Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | 9352 1166
  • Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen, studies/ courses & exams |
  • Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library |
  • HR-related questions should be adressed to Nat Tech HR Team 1 |
  • Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to Nat Tech HR Specialist team |

Thomas Ulrich's office hours for students:
Tuesday 12-14 and Thursday 16-17

The above information is also available at:


Newsletters on the web
This and all previous newsletters are available on the Geoscience staff web pages.
- There is a direct link from the entry page.

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