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Aarhus Universitet

Geoscience newsletter

No. 1/2023 - January 2023

Let's get started

The soundtrack to January has been the sound of tripping feet, encouraging whispers and nervous sighs from students waiting outside the doors. The exams have swept through the department with all it brings with it of frayed nerves and relieved laughter.

Now the students can breathe a sigh of relief and the teachers can get back to doing just that: teaching.

We made it through another January alive, and now we can look forward to February, which is so wonderfully short, and which offers days that gradually get a little longer and a little brighter.

But before we kick off February, we end the first month of the year with a little look back at January's news.



  • 10 February
    PIGA Shrovetide Friday bar
  • 13-17 February
    The hunt for the unknown at the Steno Museum
  • 23-25 February
  • 24 February
    PIGA Cola tasting
  • 31 March
    PIGA Easter bar

Professor Knudsen

On 1 December 2022, Mads F. Knudsen became Professor of Geochronology here at the department.

It is fully deserved, and we are very happy for Mads. A big congratulations from the whole department!


As you may have noticed, a compressed air pump has been installed on the building at the back entrance. Here, everyone who chooses the green transport solution is welcome to pump up the bike.As you may have noticed, a compressed air pump has been installed on the building at the back entrance. Here,

During the winter holidays (week 7), we participate in the exhibition 'The hunt for the unknown' at the Steno Museum. Thomas Ulrich and a team of talented student study advisors are at the museum Monday - Friday from 11 – 16 with lots of minerals and rocks that both children and adults can touch and learn more about.

Remember that employees at AU have free access to the Steno Museum.

Grab your family or friends and come by. It will be cozy!

Grundfos invests in GeoInstruments

In 2020, the spin-out company Aarhus GeoInstruments originated from HGG. Now the Grundfos Foundation has purchased 24.9 percent of the shares in Aarhus GeoInstruments, and this allows the company to put even more effort into developing instruments and equipment that can help provide people worldwide with tools to map groundwater resources. In addition, it also gives a push in the direction towards better reaching out to customers and helping them design even better groundwater mapping projects.

GeoInstruments' CEO, Esben Auken, writes the following about what the investment means for the company: “We have some exciting plan to push out new state-of-the-art instruments in the years to come. We need to be Strong in Production, Research and Development, and We Need to Reach Our Customers. In this way we can help mitigate the world's problems with water caused by a changing climate. ”

You can read more about Grundfos' investment in GeoInstruments here.

Aarhus GeoInstruments CEO Esben Auken with Executive Director of the Grundfos Foundation Kim Nøhr Skibsted. Photo: Grundfos Foundation.


In an area plagued by periods of drought, it is difficult to understand how the great ancient city of Great Zimbabwe thrived for centuries. That mystery is uncovered by Søren Munch Kristiansen in collaboration with a group of researchers from South Africa, England, Denmark and Zimbabwe in the article "Climate-smart harvesting and storing of water: The legacy of dhaka pits at Great Zimbabwe."

With i.a. remote sensing, they have investigated a number of large depressions in the landscape, which are locally called "dhaka pits". It has previously been thought that these pits were only used to find clay for buildings in the city, but the new studies show that the pits were also used to store and manage water for the city.

Read more here.

The ruins of the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe.

New sem

We have acquired a SEM (scanningelectronmicroscope), a Tescan Vega equipped with an Oxford EDS detector.

If you would like to know more about its capabilities and possible relevance to your research, we have a 1-hour presentation/introduction on February 7 from 11-12. If you want to participate, contact Charlotte.

In week 6, we will be visited by our external tech expert, Daniel. This will be an opportunity to talk to him if you have specific questions.

Room rotation

The Student counselor has a new office: 1672-232.
The previous office is now office space used by employees.

Meeting room 1672-114 is now LOC Laboratory.
A new meeting room has been established in 1672-120. The Outlook calendar for the new meeting room is called “1672-120 Mødelokale (8)”.
Students still need to contact the secretariat, when they wish to book a meeting room for group work.


new carpooling club at AU

AU now has a carpooling club that will make it fast and easy to find colleagues and students who are going your way. Join the club on the Ta’Med app and help reduce AU’s climate footprint.

You can read more and find the app here.


Geoscience has got its very own cleaning cart, which can be used by employees and students at Geoscience.
The cleaning cart is located in the basement under building 1674, right in front of the door to room 032.

The cart contains equipment and cleaning products, and our regular service employees from the building department, Hong and Martin, will make sure to fill up when something is missing.

If you need something for the cart outside of Hong and Martin's working hours, you can find it by the Cleaning Station next to the washing machine.

Here you can find cloths, bags, cleaning agents and disposable cloths for the mop.

Dirty cloths must be thrown in the laundry baskets next to the washing machine.

Always remember to clean the cleaning equipment after use, so that it is neat for the next user.


Have you published an exciting article? Have you participated in a podcast? Have you received a grant or something else that could be interesting news either on the website or in the newsletter?

Then write to Kathrine Eg and she will fix it.

Office hours / Nat-Tech and AU partners

Partners with office hours, room 1672-123:

  • Max Anthon Ikkala Lerager, IT supporter | | +45 6020 2616
    Tuesday 12-15
  • Kathrine Kofoed Jensen, HR-partner | | +45 9350 8204
    Tuesday 8-12 (uneven weeks)
  • Stine Magnild Hansen, HR-supporter | | +45 9352 2463
    Tuesday 8-12 (even weeks)
    Mette Møller Larsen, Business Controller, Finance | | +45 6057 1105
    Wednesday 8.30-15.30
  • Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Controller, Finance | | +45 9352 1027
    Wednesday 8-15 and Friday 8-14
  • Helene Hallas, PhD partner, The PhD administration | ​| +45 9352 2609
    First Thursday of each month 13-15

Other partners:

  • Rikke Hartmann Haugaard, AU Research Support and External Relations - Research Support Office (FSE) | | +45 9352 2552
  • Henriette Withen Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | +45 4189 3290
  • Torkil Bukkehave Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | +45 9352 1166
  • Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen, studies/ courses & exams |
  • Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library |
  • HR-related questions should be adressed to Nat Tech HR Team 1 |
  • Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to Nat Tech HR Specialist team |
  • IT support, use AU Serviceportal, write to or call 8715 4010
    Monday - Tuesday: 8.00 - 15.30 and Friday: 8.00 - 14.30
    AV support call 8715 0903

Thomas Ulrich's office hours for students:
Tuesday 12-14 and Thursday 9-11

The above information is also available at:


Newsletters on the web
This and all previous newsletters are available on the Geoscience staff web pages.
- There is a direct link from the entry page.

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