February was a short month, and even though it ended on a somewhat gloomy note, there were also bright spots. Teaching started again and we had a successful exhibition at the Steno Museum with more than 2,000 visitors.
PIGA also held both Shrovetide and cola tasting, which unsurprisingly showed that Coca Cola is the preferred cola among most people.
Now a new month awaits, and we can rejoice that spring has arrived - at least on the calendar.
Confidential information in calendar
At GEO we have acquired 4 new “Spotlight plus presentation remotes”, to be used in the teaching- and meeting rooms with a TV screen; 1653-014, 1653-018, 1671-241, 1672-120.
The remotes live in the drawer marked “Presentation remote” in Susanne’s office; 1672-130.
Feel free to borrow a remote, when using one of the above mentioned rooms for presentation via PC – and make sure to return it after use.
Each box contains:
1 remote
1 USB for connecting to PC
1 charger cable for the remote
1 USB-C to USB adapter
All 4 parts must be returned to the box after use – REMEMBER to remove the USB from the PC.
ATTENTION: Before the remote can be used, you need to download the needed software to your PC. Make sure to take time to do this, well before you start using the remote.
Full link to ”Getting started”, incl. driver download.
Line Meldgaard Madsen started on 1 March as Tenure Track Assistant Professor here at the department.
Line is a hydrogeophysics and will as an assistant professor at the department continue her research within electric and electromagnetic methods with applications in groundwater mapping, climate adaptation, and contamination tracking and remediation.
Her research focus is numerical geophysics, forward modeling and inversion of geophysical data, and integration of geophysical data in hydrological flow modelling.
Congratulations to Line!
In February, we had a visit from PhD student Simon Jung from ETH Zurich.
He completed his BSc and MSc in Physics at the University of Wuppertal (Germany). During his Bachelor and in industry research he focused on corrections in X-ray computed tomography using simulations and machine learning methods. During his Master thesis and beyond he worked at the Neurophysics department of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (Germany) and collaborated with the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany). His work focused on processing imaging mass spectrometry data to enable the validation of quantitative MRI scans in neuroscientific applications.
Simon joined the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland) at the beginning of this year as a PhD student to work on numerical investigations of subglacial drainage of soft bedded glaciers together with Mauro Werder, Ludovic Räss and Ivan Utkin. He was in Aarhus to work with Anders Damsgaard on discrete element method simulations of subglacial till using Anders' sphere software.
Feel free to contact him at sijung@ethz.ch
Office hours / Nat-Tech and AU partners
Partners with office hours, room 1672-123:
Max Anthon Ikkala Lerager, IT supporter | maxl@au.dk | +45 6020 2616
Tuesday 12-15
Kathrine Kofoed Jensen, HR-partner | kofoed@au.dk | +45 9350 8204
Tuesday 8-12 (uneven weeks)
Stine Magnild Hansen, HR-supporter | smh@au.dk | +45 9352 2463
Tuesday 8-12 (even weeks)
Mette Møller Larsen, Business Controller, Finance | mmla@au.dk | +45 6057 1105
Wednesday 8.30-15.30
Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Controller, Finance | jakob.steen.olesen@au.dk | +45 9352 1027
Wednesday 8-15
Helene Hallas, PhD partner, The PhD administration | heha@au.dk | +45 9352 2609
First Thursday of each month 13-15
Other partners:
Rikke Hartmann Haugaard, AU Research Support and External Relations - Research Support Office (FSE) | haugaard@au.dk | +45 9352 2552
Henriette Withen Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | hwh@au.dk | +45 4189 3290
Torkil Bukkehave Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | tbh@au.dk | +45 9352 1166
Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen, studies/ courses & exams | aaf@au.dk
Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library | mhga@kb.dk
HR-related questions should be adressed to Nat Tech HR Team 1 | HR.ST.team1@au.dk
Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to Nat Tech HR Specialist team | HR.ST.team.specialist.dk
IT support, use AU Serviceportal, write to aarhus.st.it@au.dk or call 8715 4010
Monday - Tuesday: 8.00 - 15.30 and Friday: 8.00 - 14.30
AV support call 8715 0903
Thomas Ulrich's office hours for students:
Tuesday 12-14 and Thursday 9-11
The above information is also available at: geo.medarbejdere.au.dk/en/