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Aarhus Universitet

Geoscience newsletter

No. 5/2023 - May 2023

Let's get started

May was an eventful month with both Alumni Day, PIGA Planetarium Performance and Geoscience Day. Now we look forward to a June full of exams, but also with PIGA's Summer Party, the last PIGA Friday bar of the semester and of course the Graduation Party for this year's graduates.

Enjoy the lovely weather, and we'll see you for a nice round of garden games at the summer party on Friday.



  • 9 June
    PIGA Summer Party
  • 12 - 16 June
    Geology week at Gellerup Library
  • 23 June
    PIGA Friday bar
  • 30 June


It is geology week at Gellerup Library in Aarhus V in week 24. Here, children will be able to build rocks from LEGO, learn about geological phenomena, see and touch different rocks and minerals, play Minecraft and visit the Mine. The Mine is a sound installation about the boy Emil, who travels into a mine to obtain minerals for the green transition.

The exhibition has been created in collaboration between the Department of Geoscience and Gellerup Library, and parts of the exhibition will remain in the library throughout the summer.


As you may have noticed, a compressed air pump has been installed on the building at the back entrance. Here, everyone who chooses the green transport solution is welcome to pump up the bike.As you may have noticed, a compressed air pump has been installed on the building at the back entrance. Here,

When the trailers are parked after use, they must be parked in the same stall within the stall markings as shown in the picture.


Geoscience has a new trailer with high sides.

The trailer is in the parking lot by building 1675 next to the department cars.

It is locked to the sign, and there is also a padlock on it to prevent unauthorized persons from hooking it to a car.

The keys to the two locks are provided by the secretariat.

Remember to lock the trailer after use.

New Hotel agreement

The new SKI agreement started 1 June.

AU Procurement’s web site is being updated with the new information and is expected to be ready during week 23.

blocking OF PARKING stalls

AU Building Services is forced to block 3-4 parking stalls in the period week 24-26, 2023.

Because of a rat attack in the basement in 1652, the sewers in the cellar must be renovated in the weeks in question.

Aarslef will need to park a truck, as shown in the image below.


As you may have heard, we have had several cases where employees have had computers stolen from their offices - even though the offices were locked.

Therefore, we would like to again encourage everyone to be careful, to lock the doors after you, and to refrain from leaving mobile phones and other valuables lying around.

The outer doors to the department are now only open from 8-16, and during the summer period they are locked around the clock, so remember your access card.

If you are in the unfortunate situation of having your IT equipment stolen, you can read more about what to do here.


Have you heard of PIGA's ice cream bar?

Until the end of August, you can buy various ice creams in PIGA's new ice cream bar. You will find the ice creams in the freezer in the kitchen (it is hidden behind the door), and you pay in the same way as for soft drinks: either with a drink ticket or with mobile pay.

Happy ice cream eating!

Change in salary deductions when using a credit card

From August 2023, salary deductions will be made on unsettled credit card transactions that have been pending settlement for more than 90 days.

So far, 180 days has been the limit.


Now it's the end of muddy car mats and grumpy bus drivers. Blue shoe covers have been purchased for use in department cars or buses on field trips.

You can contact the secretariat if you want a pack of footies or two.


Do you use a drone for your work here at AU? If so, be aware that in April AU has been established as a drone operator with the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority.

This means that AU - and the faculties and departments - will be responsible for:

  • That drones are marked correctly with registration number DNK000001571745r and that outdated markings are removed
  • That drones are insured according to current regulations (self-insurance applies)
  • That remote pilots have the right skills to fly the drone they are operating
  • To establish a coordination procedure and a list of remote pilots

If you get a drone certificate you must contact the secretariat so we can register it correctly in WorkZone.

If you have any questions about the new guidelines for the use of drones, you can contact the secretariat.

closed for the summer

The secretariat here at Geoscience is closed during the weeks 29 and 30.

The Administration Center Nat-Tech is closed due to holiday in the weeks 28 to 30 (from Monday the 10th to the Friday the 28th of July).

Building service is staffed all summer - with holiday staffing.

IT support is open, but to a lesser extent. See the plan here.


Have you published an exciting article? Have you participated in a podcast? Have you received a grant or something else that could be interesting news either on the website or in the newsletter?

Then write to Kathrine Eg and she will fix it.

Office hours / Nat-Tech and AU partners

Partners with office hours, room 1672-123:

  • Max Anthon Ikkala Lerager, IT supporter | | +45 6020 2616
    Tuesday 12-15
  • Kathrine Kofoed Jensen, HR-partner | | +45 9350 8204
    Tuesday 8-12 (uneven weeks)
  • Nanna Duelund, HR-supporter | | +45 9350 8538
    Tuesday 8-12 (even weeks)
    Mette Møller Larsen, Business Controller, Finance | | +45 6057 1105
    Wednesday 8.30-15.30
  • Jakob Steen Olesen, Project Finance Controller, Finance | | +45 9352 1027
    Wednesday 8-15
  • Helene Hallas, PhD partner, The PhD administration | ​| +45 9352 2609
    First Thursday of each month 13-15
  • Gitte Bindzus Foldager, International Center | | +45 2331 6355
    Last Thursday of each month

Other partners:

  • Rikke Hartmann Haugaard, AU Research Support and External Relations - Research Support Office (FSE) | | +45 9352 2552
  • Henriette Withen Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | +45 4189 3290
  • Torkil Bukkehave Hansen, AU Research Support and External Relations - Technology Transfer Office (TTO) | | +45 9352 1166
  • Anne Ambrosius Frederiksen, studies/ courses & exams |
  • Morten Hjorth Gad, AU Library |
  • HR-related questions should be adressed to Nat Tech HR Team 1 |
  • Questions regarding absence due to sickness, maternity leave or jobs on special terms should be sent to Nat Tech HR Specialist team |
  • IT support, use AU Serviceportal, write to or call 8715 4010
    Monday - Tuesday: 8.00 - 15.30 and Friday: 8.00 - 14.30
    AV support call 8715 0903

Thomas Ulrich's office hours for students:
Tuesday 12-14 and Thursday 9-11

The above information is also available at:


Newsletters on the web
This and all previous newsletters are available on the Geoscience staff web pages.
- There is a direct link from the entry page.

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