AU has entered an agreement with Dansk Erhvervspsykologi, a health advisory company, to provide psychological counselling. The cause of the crisis must be work-related. Consultation on referral and anonymous counselling is optional and applies to all staff members at Aarhus University. Using this service you will receive external psychological counselling in situations that affect your work effort. This can be in regards to battle stress, crisis and cooperation issues.
If you prefer to write an e-mail you can contact, who will call you within 24 hours on weekdays.
It is possible to receive psychological counselling in English.
The expense for counselling will be covered by the department.
Via the referral scheme it is possible to get five sessions of consultation with a psychologist or any other therapist/advisor. To apply for referral, the employee must ask his or her immediate superior. As employee you can choose to involve a union representative in this phase. When the immediate superior has been informed of the issue and has authorised funding of five sessions of consultation, Dansk Erhvervspsykologi can be contacted.
When Danish Erhvervspsykologi is contacted, the following must be disclosed:
Dansk Erhvervspsykologi will then contact the employee to make an appointment for an introductory interview. Subsequently, a fully confidential process with a licensed psychologist or any other therapist/advisor is set up. After five sessions of consultation the employee and the manager are responsible for agreeing on a plan of action in relation to the employee's present and future work situation. If the employee, the psychologist or advisor agree after the five sessions that an extended process is necessary, the employee must agree to have additional sessions allocated by the manager and inform Dansk Erhvervspsykologi or the psychologist about this.
For the manager, it is important to ensure that the relevant HR partner is involved at an early stage of (and preferably throughout) the referral. AU HR recommends that the manager and employee hold one meeting halfway through the counselling process and one meeting after the final consultation (approximately after about 8-10 weeks).
To obtain anonymous counselling, it is possible to contact Dansk Erhvervspsykologi directly.
A confidential process between the employee and a psychologist is then established. It is possible to call Dansk Erhvervspsykologi's counseling service 24 hours a day and get up to three sessions of consultation with a licensed psychologist or any other therapist/advisor.
If, after three sessions of consultation, the psychologist or advisor evaluates that further consultations are necessary, the employee will be transferred to the referral scheme. Next, the employee initiates the transfer to the referral scheme by asking her immediate supervisor to contact Dansk Erhvervspsykologi. At this stage, the employee may choose to involve a union representative. From this point, the procedure followed is identical with the referral scheme procedure.